School is Cool


It is part of the coaches' responsibility to liaise with the parents and players to help motivate and encourage players to work hard and do well in school. Players who are failing a subject may not be allowed to play in games if, in the opinion of the parent (primarily) and/or coach (secondarily), they aren't improving their grades. Note: If suspended from playing due to poor grades players are still expected to attend practices.

If a parent is concerned that a player’s grades aren't up to par, the parent is welcome to request help from the Legends coach. Education is paramount to every Legends coach. When requested, our coach will join with the parent to encourage better performance in school. The methods used to help a child with studies could involve the following:

  • Coach will work with/collaborate with parents to motivate players towards better effort and performance.
  • Coach asks to see a player's grades on a random basis.
  • Coach meets with player to emphasize the importance of working hard at studies and dedicating oneself to academic excellence.
  • After all other methods have been tried and failed, gradual suspension of team privileges to use consequences as a spur to taking academic performance seriously.

Most Legends players would like the opportunity to play college soccer. Colleges only recruit players with good grades. Players who don’t consistently earn good grades and graduate high school with a minimum "C" average are unlikely to be recruited. College coaches want players they can count on to be eligible to play. At college showcase events the Legends desire to field a team of individuals with the highest average grade possible. Players who undermine the collective team grade, even terrific players, are a big negative.

How to Get Good Grades:

  • Take notes of everything. Most High School courses discuss what is on the tests and in homework in class. If your teacher draws a diagram on the board, copy it! It helps you remember the info’. Take extensive notes on everything written and said.
  • Prioritize. Calculate how much of your grade a project is worth. You will get a higher score if you focus on those areas where you can earn more credit.
  • Homework comes first. Set goals and reach them before anything else. Social life is important, but make sure your schoolwork comes first.
  • With homework, use your notes to answer what the teacher is asking: if you're not sure of something, or not sure your teacher will agree, don't say it. Do your best, and check carefully for mistakes. Look over your homework in detail at least once before you turn it in. If you're uncertain about something ask your teacher before submitting your homework!
  • Before tests, make notes and a study guide. Scour the textbook and add anything not in your notes, do not omit anything. Get someone to test you on the study guide. Use memory tricks. Sing the question and answer, whatever. Ask your teacher if you can do an essay or additional problems for extra credit. If she says yes, hand it in the next day. If she hands it back before the test, you'll see your mistakes and be able to fix them
  • When taking tests, relax. If you're fidgety, or worried you're sure to get a low score.
  • The most important advice to get good grades is: Do well on tests. Do your homework and what your teacher says and the odds are good that you'll get an A. Stay cool and calm.
  • Write good legible notes. Use colored pens for sections of your notes that you feel will be on a test or that are important. It makes them stand out. Use highlighters if there's something important you need to find easily. Don't highlight too much or it destroys the point.

Making your notes fun to read will make them easier to understand later!

  • Determine how your teachers teach, use the same method to learn the information. If they write on the blackboard, take notes; if they lecture, listen hard or record the lecture to listen to multiple times. You may find it hard to stay focused for an entire class period. Work hard work to stay focused.
  • Always do your homework immediately after school. Time management is essential. If you're given an assignment that's due next week do it immediately. Get started the same day you get the assignment.
  • Teachers want back what they gave you. So give it to them! Learn how the teacher gives information. Study early. Let it sink it in. Then give it back to the teacher in the same way. Use what they've taught you and reproduce it in your homework, tests, and projects.
  • Always do homework! This can't be stressed enough. It's easy to forget or put off. Get a calendar system to remind you before homework is due. If you have trouble remembering use a notebook to record it as the teacher assigns it. Homework counts for a big part of your grade. Do extra credit assignments! It can't hurt to try. Even if you get some wrong, teachers may give you effort points.
  • Stay organized. It really does help. Organizing your locker and bag helps you remember to carry supplies needed for your homework or studying. Organizing notes makes them easier to understand later. Keep your desk/study space tidy, and make sure you have a clean, quiet place to study.
  • Review your notes every night, so when the big test comes, remembering what you learned is a snap.


  • ALWAYS do extra credit. It can save your grade if you fall short on homework or tests, and even if you did well will help your GPA later on.
  • Ask questions in class to clear up misconceptions and provide new information to spice up a paper. Participating actively in class may raise your grade!
  • Write down math problems you don't understand and do research when you get home. When the test comes around this research will be useful.
  • Keep your work area is neat so you can find things easily. Working in an untidy environment only leads to distraction. Make sure you have all needed supplies.
  • Be proud to get good grades. Kids who get good grades often get picked on by kids who don’t do as well. Getting good grades pays off in the end.
  • If necessary get a tutor. It doesn't mean you aren't smart. It just means you need a little help, which is perfectly okay. We all need help from time to time.
  • It's not about how long you study, it’s about how well you study. Skimming a book for hours doesn't help as much as really focusing for a shorter time.
  • Stay focused on the goal.
  • When taking tests, relax. If you have done your best to prepare you have learned nearly all the answers already! If not sure, skip the question and answer later.
  • If uncertain about the wording of a question, ask the teacher! As long as you ask what the question means, they will usually answer.
  • Use time wisely. With an hour to complete 120 questions, that's 30 seconds per question. This can be a lot of time. Many questions will take under 30 seconds. Apply the balance to a tougher question. Focus on the question not the clock.
  • If you have any questions ask the teacher! They'll be happy to help. Remember it’s smart to ask questions.
  • Do it now. Do a project as soon as you receive it. If it seems like a huge project, break it into little steps and do as many as you can immediately.
  • Study well in advance. This will allow you the luxury of breaks between study sessions and to study with friends once in awhile.
  • Study with a friend as much as possible. Plan a study sessions and help each other. This tends to work best when you are in the same class. One class can be further ahead than the other.
  • Look to the future. When you do this you can see the log-term benefits of study.
  • It helps if you reward yourself. If you have good grades, take a day off from studying. Just don't slacken too much.
  • Set small baby step goals. Aim for small improvements: a C+ to a B-, a B- to a B+, a B+ to an A-, and finally an A. Aiming to change a C to an A right away makes your goal seem unreachable.
  • Read the textbook. You’ll find things that the teacher didn't say or you didn't hear.
  • Follow instructions on assignments, tests, math problems, etc.! It may not seem necessary sometimes, but reading the instructions beforehand is crucial.
  • Set a study schedule. Stay in "school mode" until your homework is done. Do not save your homework for 9 p.m. when you are more tired.
  • Remove all distractions. It is best to be in a quiet environment, preferably alone. Make sure you have plenty of space and good lighting.
  • Keep a diary. Write down any and all assignments, due dates, and have a check box next to each one. Break large assignments into subcomponents, divide and conquer. The more things you can accomplish and check off, the more refreshed you will be and you will maintain a better outlook toward the assignments.
  • Warnings
  • You will have to cut down on friends, TV, phone and computer time, video games etc, in order to succeed. The best students know how to say, "No, I can't hang out because I have to study." Friends may tease, but your real friends will understand.
  • Do not compromise your future for any one.
  • Try to avoid using "rote memorization." That is where you repeat something over and over again until it finally sticks in your brain after the 100th time. It is the worst and most inefficient method of memorization. Instead, study memory tricks such as The Link Memory System, Method of Loci, or acrostics.
  • When working on group projects understand that you cannot depend on other people. Many people are plain lazy and will drag your grade down with their minimalist attitudes. If possible, avoid working in groups larger than two people.
  • Always ensure completion of assignments at least seven days prior to the due date. This creates a buffer in case of absence, poor communication, illness, family emergency, etc. Have alternate ways to get in touch with the teacher and your project group, such as e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.
  • Be great. Don't worry if people think you are a perfectionist or an overachiever. Be persistent with your work while everyone else is goofing around. After school you will rarely see most of these people again, but you will see C's and D's, (that could have been A's and B's), on your transcript.
  • Study groups are a good mental reinforcement. It is helpful to exchange knowledge and information. Do not get lazy and subdivide homework assignments ("You do problems 1 through 5, you get 6 through 10, I will do 11 through 15..."). You cannot collaborate on exams and your lack of understanding will haunt you at exam time.

Things You'll Need:

  • Books and Supplies
  • Agenda Book
  • A "study buddy"
  • Pencils and Pens
  • Highlighters
  • A Book bag (Carrying tons of books gets kind of tiring)
  • Computer with internet connection
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